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People on #q2zone as of 10/22/24 09:23 EDT
Nickname Status User@Host
Q2Dude op, idle <- it's another channel bot
rocky op, idle ~eat@107-210-46-76.lightspeed.okcbok.sbcglobal.net
Info: rocky, rocky, rocky
SomeFool op, idle plat@162-205-220-175.lightspeed.mtryca.sbcglobal.net
Info: i'm gh3y
xshadowx op, idle ~shadow@ip98-179-227-187.tu.ok.cox.net
omega- op, idle <- it's me, the channel bot!
subs op, idle subs@173-206-101-7.cpe.distributel.net
s2z - slak2zone@submatrix.org

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